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Sautrday December 3rd, 2022 10am - 3pm

Men's Masculinity Seminar

In this seminar you will learn the dynamics of being masculine in life and in a relationship. The biggest disorder I see in my practice is polarities being switched in relationships. Men are being more feminine and women are being more masculine. When a man is in his feminine he gives off prey energy so he pushes women into predator mode. In the dating stage men get used in their feminine but in a relationship he takes the back seat and walks on eggshells. A man in his feminine believes in the fantasies too much and is run by emotion. A man in his masculine is realistic, logical and closer to reality. A man closer to reality can ground his woman because he can give her reality. A feminine man has less structure in his emotions so this seminar is designed to bring men closer to reality and give him structure in his emotions. 

High Value Man MythTim Delgado
00:00 / 01:21

Saturday December 3rd, 2022

10am - 3pm

Price: $199  Online Webinar

You will receive a link a day before the webinar.

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